According to Tips-mrhealth. Everyone has preferences of their headache medications
individually neither of which sold in the market or by prescription.
However, according to the study, too often taking the pain relief
drugs are thus increasingly exacerbate headaches on the long-term.
The case was about one in fifty people experience
recurrent headaches due to the usual pain relief medications they
consume. This risk becomes greater for those taking ibuprofen
or paracetamol each day to relieve a headache.
Based on observations of the NICE (National Institute
of Health and Clinical Excellence), too often taking any
medication pain reliever can thus make the brain more sensitive to
pain so that the perceived pain symptoms worse.
It's good you recognize what kind of headache before you
consumed the drug. Many alternatives to other therapies to relieve
headaches, such as breathing techniques or acupuncture.
"The key to preventing the use of drugs in excess
it is knowing the kind of headaches and trigger", says Dr
Gillian Leng, Chief Executive of NICE.
statement was also supported by Professor Martin Underwood,
researchers from Warwick Medical School, "taking any
medication pain reliever for more than 10-15 days in a month
including excessive, let alone for headaches that could have been