Relieve Headache with some tricks Here

According to Tips-mrhealth. Many of us often have headaches. But what if there were no drugs near you when a headache strikes?

It turns out our fingers or toes can help relieve headaches with acupressure techniques are easy, at least until you can get the drug.
It is described by health experts RealAge, Mehmet Oz, MD, and Michael Roizen, m.d., in his book "YOU: Being Beautiful". The book mentions that the acupressure techniques can be performed on some specific points around your face and your hands:

  • Temporalis muscle point
    Use your index finger and Your middle finger, take a massage on the muscle in the temple that is located about one finger above the outer eye.
  • The point behind the ear
    Use your thumb and massage gently with circular patterns point to the bottom of the large bone behind your ear.
  • Point between the eyes
    Massage gently point above the nose between the eyes with the middle finger and your thumb. Pull up slowly so you feel pressure around the eyebrows. Repeat until the headache subsides.
  • Point between the thumb and index finger
    Acupressure points can provide a soothing effect on the head that hurts. Give enough pressure at the point between the thumb and forefinger of your left hand using the thumb and forefinger of your right hand.